The loss of a family member or close friend is a traumatic experience for most people. Most people are very upset, and one of the best ways to show support to a person whose family member or relative has expired is by sending condolence flowers. Finding a supplier for the flowers, arranging them and personally visiting the person is very time consuming for most people who have a busy schedule. It is now possible to conveniently send condolence flowers arranged artistically in a bouquet to any person in Singapore online using the services of an online florist Floristique.
Usually the condolence bouquet is selected based on the relationship between the sender and receiver. The budget of the sender is also another consideration. Usually there are different types of bouquets which are available which vary in the type of flowers, foliage and fillers which are used. The cost of the bouquet depends on the size of bouquet, number and type of flowers in the bouquet. Though the standard size of bouquet is small, it is possible to send medium and larger bouquet sizes by increasing the number of flowers. It is also possible to customize the flowers in the bouquet.
The cheapest condolence bouquets typically cost $60 and have gerbera flowers, fillers. Either white or light pink flowers can be chosen. The bouquet is defined in terms of its width and length and smallest bouquet is 80 cm wide, 170 cm long. Bouquets with carnation flowers and fillers are priced at $80. More intricate bouquets with condolence flowers have gerbera, delphinium, mathiola and fillers like ferns and other greenery. More elaborate bouquets with roses, orchids, lilies are also available. These bouquets are usually larger in size and are also more expensive. Typically these bouquets contain white flowers, though yellow and pink flowers may also be provided.
Only fresh flowers and foliage are used in the bouquet. The composition of the bouquet may change depending on availability of the flowers, foliage. The florist takes care to ensure that the flowers sent are of the highest quality, and each flower received from the nursery supplying is personally checked by the florist for quality. Matching fabric or paper may be used for making the bouquet The bouquet are artistically arranged by the specialist artisan at the florist. A message deepest sympathy is also sent along with the condolence flowers to show the recipient that the sender is sympathising with him.
While placing the order for the bouquet, the sender will have to specify the date on which the bouquet has to be delivered, name, mobile number and address of the recipient. It is possible to deliver flowers to hospitals also. There is a provision for keeping the senders name anonymous. The sender can also send a card with his personalized message. They can mention any special request at the time of sending. For orders placed before two pm, same day delivery is possible. There is no fee for standard delivery of flowers, however, if a specific time slot is requested for delivery, an additional fee of $25 will have to be paid.